How to Boost your Etsy Sales on Pinterest.

So you’ve set up your Etsy shop, and sold a few items here and there…It’s time to see if Pinterest can help!

We’ve all hopped on Pinterest to quickly look something up, only to lose hours in the blink of an eye! It’s hard not to to get sucked in to the funny memes, beautiful home decor, delicious recipe ideas, or scroll for hours following the latest fashion trends.

Pinterest users have more buying intent than the users of any other social media network. Enticing shoppers by displaying perfectly staged photos with the power of a search engine, Pinterest is ready-made to help you boost the sales of your Etsy store or online shop, sending buyers right to your site!

Follow these easy tips and tricks to learn how to promote your store on Pinterest:

How to boost your Etsy Sales on Pinterest.

1. Upgrade to a “Pinterest for Business” account.

Make sure to confirm your website. This adds your logo to any Pin that came from your site, and lets you see what people are Pinning from your website. AND Your Pins will appear higher in the search results, when using a confirmed account.

Pick a profile image that will help people recognize you (your logo works perfect). Profile images look their best at 165 x 165 pixels. Be sure and write a profile description to introduce your brand and what inspires you. ❤ After setting this up you will be able to:

– Use the analytics tab to see which of your pins are popular, you can reshare them on other Pinterest boards or on your other social networks.

-Run ads.

-Most importantly, you will be able to create Buyable Pins!

2. Create Beautiful vertical Pins.

-Your Pinterest images should be long and narrow (735 pixels by 1102 pixels is ideal) to take up the maximum amount of visual space and get noticed! Vertically-oriented Pins look better on mobile screens.

-Use high quality images. Make sure they’re well-composed and in focus.

-Experiment with different product images to see what gets the best response from Pinners. In general, it’s better to avoid photos of products on their own. Pins that show lifestyle shots or a product in use have a 18% higher engagement rate.

Fashion Pins should show someone wearing the product in a real-life setting. This helps shoppers envision how they would use the product.

Home decor Pins should focus on the product instead of people. Pins with a single product in a trendy setting free of clutter tend to perform best.

Hair and beauty shoppers love images that show products contrasted against a plain background. Some people include their brand name or logo in the image for credibility.

-Minimize the amount of text on an image. Make sure it’s easy to read mobile screens.

3.Nail the description.

The best pins are positive, clever, and help people imagine what they might do with the pin, while also providing extra information.

-Don’t just drop #hashtags or keywords. Set a scene that incorporates the right search words.

-Use Rich Pins wherever possible so your brand and other useful details stays on the Pin as it gets saved.

4. Make multiple Pins for the same product.

You can try different photo angles, show multiple styles and play around with the Pin description and keywords. This makes it easier for people to discover your products because your Pins will show up in more places.

5. Stay on trend.

Tailor your Buyable Pins to specific seasons and trends to get momentum from what Pinners are searching and saving. You can also create themed boards for a specific seasons. For example, Pin Summer themed pins during the summer, Fall attire and Fall decor when Fall arrives, and put all of your shoppable winter attire on the same board.

6. Create and Organize boards.

Give your boards clear names so people can tell what’s on them, but don’t be afraid to get creative—just keep it to 20 characters or less so it doesn’t get cut off. And don’t forget the description, which can inspire People to follow your boards and help you show up in searches.

-For each board, choose a high quality, attention getting cover Pin that quickly gives people a sense for what’s on that board (the most popular pin in that category works.)

7. Pin like a pro.

-Pin at least once a day, so your followers get fresh content in their home feeds.

-Don’t just Pin your own products. You will have more variety and tell a richer story by adding Pins from others. You can partner with other businesses, bloggers and lifestyle websites to Pin each others content. Your followers will appreciate the Pins, and the businesses and bloggers will appreciate the referrals!

Happy Pinning ❤ See you next week!